Stefan Metzger

Commercial Associate

A little about me

Bringing over 6 years of dedicated industry expertise, Stefan has been involved in more than 410 transactions with unwavering composure and efficiency. His relentless drive for success is palpable, as he consistently delivers exceptional outcomes, positioning himself as an invaluable ally to his clientele.


Among Stefan’s notable career milestones is his involvement in the popular Channel 9 TV show, The Block, in 2021, working with contestants Josh and Luke Packham. Additionally, he had the privilege of sharing insights over dinner with Australasia’s top real estate trainer, Tom Panos.


Stefan prides himself on his ability to find untapped opportunities within existing markets and show clients new ways to maximise return on their assets. With every campaign he is considerate of whom he is targeting and how a property needs to be presented to increase perceived value and quickly secure a buyer or tenant.


0437 913 219


03 9817 6222


Email Me

Modo Property

Suite 6/609 Canterbury Road
Surrey Hills VIC, 3127

How can I help?